What is the risk of stroke each year after a) tissue or b) mechanical MVR or AVR? What is the annual risk of bacterial endocarditis on these prosthetic valves?

The risk of stroke after valve replacement is higher in mechanical than tissue valves (in spite of best efforts at anticoagulation) and is higher after mitral than aortic valve replacement. The risk is very much higher in the first year. To some extent these numbers depend on definition and how hard you look. I quote from our own prospective randomised trial (in press) of St Jude and Starr-Edwards valves so the information was deliberately sought and the follow up was very near complete.

My final column “events” summarises and rounds the events and one could give this number to a patient, qualified by the statement that most are mild and recover.
From the same source we found that endocarditis risk was under 1% per annum.

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